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My name is Clint Claessen. I am a doctoral researcher at the Department of Social Sciences - University of Basel. My work is focused on Party Leaders in Canada, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland. I am mainly interested in their political careers, legislative speeches and social media appearances. To study these topics, I use sequence analysis, machine learning and text analysis tools. I am also part of the Text-As-Data Reading Group and the monthly Political Career Enthusiasts meeting. 

Before moving to Basel, I obtained a Master of Science in Teacher Training Social Studies from the University of Amsterdam and a Master of Arts in Comparative and International Studies from ETH Zurich. In the Netherlands, I worked as a high school teacher at the Huizermaat. In Zurich and later in Basel, I worked as a Research Assistant to Prof. Stefanie Bailer, mainly on the Parliamentary Careers in Comparison (PCC) project.